Thursday, March 1, 2012


Yeah... so remember how I wrote in my last post about how ready I felt to go to sleep and how I wouldn't stay up late worrying?  Ha!

I literally didn't sleep at all last night.  I was almost awake when I jolted awake and remembered something that I really needed to get done; once I'd finished that, I couldn't get to sleep because I was worrying.  Like, literally could not sleep, which I have never had happen to me before. So instead I tried to sleep, finished a book and started a new one, had a snack, and finished up various tasks that have needed doing for awhile.

Doing all that made me think--yes, my day will be less stressful because these tasks have been completed, but it will also be more stressful (well, probably more frustrating than stressful) because I'll be too tired to function very well.  How important, really, is finishing tasks?  Is the fact that I got a lot done yesterday really a sign of God's faithfulness? (or perhaps a better  question is, is it the biggest sign in my life?)  I'm not sure how much God cares about little tasks getting done.

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