Friday, March 9, 2012


Today on one of the blogs I read, I read, "I think it's awful that there are Christians who think that killing a baby before it's born is OK" (or something like that).  That really irritated me.

Perhaps a short explanation of my ideas about abortion are in order here.  No, I do not think abortion is right.  I think it is murder, just like killing anything else is.  But I also think abortion should be legal.  That may seem paradoxical, and perhaps it is, but there you have it.  For a child to be born unloved or addicted to drugs is awful.  For a woman who's been raped to be forced to have a child from that rape is awful.  I don't think I could ever have an abortion--but I've never been in the situation of having to make that choice, so how can I really say?  Didn't Jesus say, "Do not judge"?  Women trying to give themselves abortions with pens or rusty coat hangers is awful, too.  I think abortion should be legal for the women who are having the abortion.  They can discuss their options with family and friends and experts; they can receive a safe abortion.  Some people may argue that women who have a child they don't want should live with the results of their sin forever.  Maybe that's true; I don't know.  I do think that women in that situation should receive love and support from their Christian friends, in true Christian fashion, not be judged and ostracized for their decision--whatever their decision may be.  Just because someone made a few wrong choices, whether they be sex outside of marriage and/or the decision to have an abortion, that is absolutely no excuse for Christians to treat anyone like a second-class citizen. They may have sinned, but so has everyone.  Yes, we may have this feeling that some sins are worse than others, but where is that in the Bible?  Tiny, tiny sins can be just as horrible and wrong as one huge sin; they can ruin a life just as effectively, and can lead up to "huge" sins.

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