Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Goals

Time to check up on my summer goals and how I'm doing with them!

1) Volunteer I've still made no progress with this goal.
2) Get to 2 million grains on freerice I've been working very hard towards this goal all week and have reached a little more than 700,000 grains, which puts me well on the way to reaching this goal before the end of the summer.
3) Summer reading list I finished Emma (and very much enjoyed it), and am well on my way to finished three other books that are also on the list (I tend to read multiple books at once)--a book of Hawaiian myths, an Arthurian epic poem, and a book about intelligent design. The only stain on my attempts to reach this goal this week is that yesterday especially, I read just to do something, rather than to learn about the world around me, expand my mind, and glorify God. I enjoyed the reading much less and got much less out of it. On the other hand, I also really really thought about some of the readings that I did this week.
4) Book reviews So far I have written a book review of every book I've finished. I'm even starting to plan the reviews of a few of the books I'm currently reading.
5) Reflect more I think I reflected on Bible readings about the same amount as I did last week, a decent amount but not as much as I'd like to reach.
6) After graduation options I got a GRE study book and made myself a study schedule.
7) Sleep! I did rather badly on this one this week. I slept rather less than I needed.
8) Exercise I went for two walks and helped a friend move out of her apartment. Not as much as I would like, perhaps, but not bad.
9) Work on thesis All I did for this was to make a schedule for myself, to hopefully encourage myself to do more work on this next week.
10) Declutter Nothing.
11) Scholarships I applied to a few simple ones, made a list of possibilities and due dates, and just found several promising search sites.
12) Pray for others On one of my walks this week, I spent a lot of the time praying for others. The church service I attended today was also all about mission, so I spent some time during and after the service praying for others. I really felt like God was condemning me for my lack of concern for others today. I really want to focus on this one next week.

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