Sunday, September 11, 2011

Genesis 29

Jacob goes to Laban, Rebekah's brother.  They agree that Jacob will work seven years in return for Rachel as his bride.  That seems like a really long time.  Rachel doesn't seem to have any say.  But for Jacob, the seven years "seemed to him like a few days because of the love he had for her."  Aww.  Then Laban gives him Leah instead of Rachel.  WHAT??  Why did Laban do that?  Poor Leah, given to a husband who didn't even want her.  Just the deceiver of Esau and Isaac has now been deceived.  Your justice, Lord?  Then he works for another seven years for Rachel--wow, he must have really loved her.  Oh, and Jacob really didn't notice it was Leah until the next morning??  Someone pointed out to me once that he was probably drunk, and that makes sense.  Jacob really favored Rachel; again, poor Leah.  And You didn't like the favoritism, so You blessed Leah (isn't that another form of favoritism?)  And after first son Leah says, "Surely now my husband will love me."  That's so sad, how she sees herself as worth only her children, tries to earn Jacob's love.  Thank You that we don't have to earn Your love.  Please be with everyone everywhere who are trying to get their worth from the wrong thing.

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