Monday, September 5, 2011

Genesis 26

Isaac went to see Abimelech too.  You're always talking here about how You were Abraham's god too, and how great Abraham was; I wonder if that frustrated Isaac, how well he got along with his father.  You also remind Isaac that You will keep Your promises.  Then Isaac tells everyone that Rebekah is his sister; it must run in the family.  But no one tries to take Rebekah, instead someone sees Isaac "fondling" Rebekah.  How inappropriately would that have been seen?  I feel like married people didn't show affection in public (especially when they're pretending to be related?  That was stupid, Isaac).  Lesson: don't lie about things, don't let your emotions get away from you.  Trust in You rather than lies to protect you (although You still protected Isaac--don't need to be perfect).  Everyone dislikes Isaac because he's so rich and powerful.  Lonely for Isaac?  Lots about wells--water was power.  Isaac makes an oath with Phillistines.  You appear to Isaac again.  How did You appear?  Why don't You do that now?  Or was it the same as now?  Or were they more willing to believe in manifestations or voices or whatever back then?  The little section about how Esau's wives "made life bitter for Isaac and Rebekah" made me laugh.

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