Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer Goals

A review of my summer goals:

1) Volunteer I volunteered at church today, setting up decorations for Vacation Bible School.
2) Freerice I have done freerice every day (although one day I didn't reach my goal and had to continue on the next day). However, I have not always done it with a light heart. One day I just was not in the mood, and one day I couldn't help wondering what the point of doing so little was.
3) Summer reading list I finished one book on my list, the book of Hawaiian legends, and have started another, a book about butterflies.
4) Book reviews I have reviewed every book that I finished this week.
5) Reflect more My reflections, and the time I've spent on them, have been very up and down this week, and very connected to how I felt spiritually. There were days were I could really feel God and just felt so joyful, and on those days I reflected a great deal. But there were other days where I didn't feel that connected and I didn't really reflect on anything.
6) After graduation options I continued studying for the GRE this past week. Next week, though, I really want to put more time into both studying for the GRE and looking for possible graduate schools/programs.
7) Sleep! I don't think I did as well as I did last week, but I got a decent enough amount of sleep.
8) Exercise Again, I only exercised once this week. :(
9) Work on thesis I finished one of my thesis books! And started another one.
10) Declutter I worked my way through my email account some.
11) Scholarships I applied to a few scholarships, and drafted the essay for another one. This is another one of my goals that I really want to work on this next week.
12) Pray for others I really improved on this overall, although there were a few days where I didn't pray very much. I've been praying for others on my way to work, and some of the time when I'm answering questions on freerice, and it's really increased the amount of time I'm spending praying for others. I've also felt a related increase in how close I feel to God; I feel like on the days I prayed a lot for others, I also felt much closer to God and felt His peace and joy a lot more.

I will, of course, keep working towards these goals. I really think that the process of making a list of goals, and reviewing the goals and my progress towards those goals each week, is really beneficial. It forces me to think about my goals regularly and see how I'm doing with them. It's also very helpful to just think about things you want to improve on, especially on a regular basis.

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