Friday, April 20, 2012


Since Wednesday, I've been doing much better.  Wednesday night, actually, a bit after I wrote that post, God helped me to realize that yes, I may be stressed out and have a TON to do, but it's all involved with stuff that I enjoy doing, some of them even love doing.  I chose this way of life for myself, I chose to challenge myself.  And that simple shift in my perspective really did change my stressed out feelings into a modicum of peace, as well as the feeling that I'm being challenged by things that I enjoy and find interesting, so I should try to rise to the challenge.

Tonight I also went to my fellowship meeting.  I don't remember anything, really, that happened (I'm totally exhausted), but I still feel the peace that came from it.  And that's enough.  It really reminded me of a story I once heard, about a young boy who tries repeatedly to scoop water into a sieve because his grandfather asked him to.  When he becomes frustrated because it is impossible to keep the water in the sieve, the grandfather says, "Yes, but look how clean the sieve now is.  That is what we are like when we read the Bible--we may not remember what we have read, but reading it will help make us better, cleaner."

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