Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I am feeling tired and stressed out right now.  I just watched a really depressing movie, I feel a bit sick, I have a big paper due next Monday that I haven't started writing yet and I literally don't know when I'm going to write, and on Friday I'm going to a research conference to give a presentation that I haven't practiced yet.  I have to be up before 5:30 for the next three days, and I'm exhausted already.  Maybe I shouldn't say "have to"; it is a choice, a very conscious one, to spend time reading the Bible and reflecting before I begin my day.  Honestly, I don't regret it, even if lately I have very much been regretting the lost sleep.  In a way, I feel like that's pretty representative of my mood today, at least since I've finished that movie.  I know that the things I do, like waking up early to read the Bible and pray, are the right thing to do. I pray that I always have the strength to keep doing them, unless I am sure that God is calling me to, not just because of my personal convenience.  But I've still found myself regretting... no, that's not the right word... lamenting, maybe?  I still find myself lamenting the time lost and thinking sly little thoughts that I could be so much more productive or whatever if I didn't do these things for God.  Please, Lord, help me to resist such thoughts; please help me to keep any bitterness from them from my heart, and please help me to trust in You whole-heartedly.  Amen.

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