Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gender Roles

I ran across a blog today about being a godly woman.  This blog said that women shouldn't go chasing after men, or even necessarily yearn after a certain man, because it isn't up to women anyway--men do the choosing.

I really wasn't sure what I thought of that.  I'm not inclined to think well of it, however.  I honestly found that a bit offensive.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely don't think that women should just chase guys left and right or put their love life above God, but I still found that offensive.  I thought it was implying, a bit, that men can chase women because they're the ones who get to choose.  And what if a woman doesn't like the man who's chosen her?

OK, sorry.  That may have come across as rather hostile, and that's not what I meant.  I was interested to read this blog, because it is an issue I've been thinking about a decent amount lately.  For one thing, it seems that my friends are one by one getting boyfriends.  I'm not sure how I feel about that, and I'm not sure how I feel about the thought of having my own boyfriend.  The thought scares me, honestly, having never had one before--besides just the romantic/physical/emotional aspect of it, there's also the spiritual aspect, and I'm not sure my faith is deep enough right now that I could make the right choices when it came to who came first.  On the other hand, I would really like to meet that one special person and have a wonderful relationship with him.  But I'm not sure how many of my expectations/ideas about this come from the media, where everything is idealized.

Anyway, that wasn't entirely what I was getting at.  I've also been thinking about gender roles, more specifically the gender roles You want us to have.  I do think that the two genders are different and have different abilities and gifts, overall.  On the other hand, I am vehemently against forcing someone to work or stay at home or have kids or anything just because of their sex.  I am against the idea that women should just stay at home, and even against the idea that women should be subservient or below men.  I think that's stupid.

But I don't know what You think.  Unfortunately for me and my feminism, I also know what the Bible says, and it's rather sexist.  Then again, so were the times and the people writing it.  Jesus taught women and men, accepted their faith, and there was a group of women supporting Him and His disciples.  So I don't know what I think, or what You want me to think.  Please shape my thoughts on this issue as You want them to be shaped, and please help me to find that one person You want me to be with.  Amen.

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