Friday, August 26, 2011

Genesis 17

More of Your promises and so far they’ve all been kept--Jews still around, still a big group.  i think this is the first time You mention that Abram has to keep up his side of the deal, too--rather than just saying that he’s righteous.  Well, sort of.  The Israelites broke Your covenant all the time, but You were still loyal to them.  What’s so special about circumcision?  Why is that the sign You chose? (that is what it is, right?)  Besides being rather male-centric, how does that set Your people apart?  Why not choose something more visible? (Christianity isn’t necessarily a visible difference...)You change Abram and Sarai’s names.  Names are important.  Like in yesterday’s chapter, Hagar calls You “a God of seeing.”  Way to laugh at God, Abraham.  Great idea.  Now your son has to be called “he laughs” forever.  Ishmael--blessed, but not part of the covenant.  :(  Why Abram and his descendant Isaac?  What was so special about Abraham?  Why did You choose him to be the first with Your covenant between You, when You had billions of people to choose from arrayed all through time?  What made Abraham (and Sarah?) so special?  Mush have sucked, getting circumcised at 99.  And for the slaves, too, who had no choice at all, just had to get bought with this crazy guy who came up with circumcision.  :/  Abraham did come away from talking with You, though, and immediately do what You told him.  Good model.

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